
Dairy Princess: Yummy parfait makes school mornings exciting - The Daily News Online

Hello everyone! As summer begins to draw to a close, this is typically the time that kids begin to think about going back to school. This year is going to look very different from what school is normally like, but that doesn’t mean that everything has to change.

One of the biggest problems that we can expect for the upcoming school year is finding a set routine to stick to. Having a schedule was one of my favorite things about going to school, but I think that the most important aspect that should stay the same is a student’s diet.

During the summer, some people don’t eat breakfast until 11 o’clock and lunch may simply consist of a granola bar. Though I am guilty of doing this a few times, school was always very helpful when it came to eating a balanced diet. Having set times to eat and making sure that you are consuming the proper amount and type of food is important for everyone, but it is especially critical for younger kids. Many people may not realize, but it is very important for younger kids to consume the proper amount of dairy products, as dairy can be very beneficial to their development. The fat that is in some dairy products, such as whole milk, can help stimulate brain development in younger kids as well as help with their overall growth.

Another benefit that dairy products provide are the nine essential nutrients, most notably calcium. As you age, your body slowly loses it ability to absorb calcium, so it is very important for kids to consume plenty of dairy so that they have stronger bones when they get older.

So, even though it may seem like everything is simply out of your control, it may be helpful to focus on the things that you are able to control, such as your kids’ meals. Put whole milk in their favorite cereal in the morning or throw in a cheese stick and yogurt into their lunch.

Whatever this school year may bring, I hope you are all able to take it in stride and adapt to our new normal. I have added a yummy parfait recipe to help make school mornings more exciting!

Yummy Parfait


3 cups of vanilla yogurt

1 cup of strawberries

1 pint of blueberries, blackberries, or raspberries

1 cup of granola

These are not set ingredients, feel free to add whatever you would like!


1. Layer 1/3 cup of yogurt into the bottom of a glass.

2. Combine the berries and place down a layer

3. Cover with a layer of granola

4. Keep alternating layers of yogurt, fruit, and granola until the cup is full

Should make around 4 parfaits with the amount of ingredients above.

Danielle Herrick is the Wyoming County Dairy Princess.

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August 15, 2020 at 11:15AM

Dairy Princess: Yummy parfait makes school mornings exciting - The Daily News Online
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