
Pot Spotlight: ANC, the Home of Yummy Gummy - Phoenix New Times


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Lori Hicks is the partial owner and operations manager of Arizona Natural Concepts, a Phoenix-area dispensary. She's also the general manager of Yummy Gummy, a popular line of handcrafted gummies produced at ANC's on-site cannabis kitchen. We recently caught up with Hicks to get the lowdown on this local operation.

Backstory: Yummy Gummy hit Arizona's medical marijuana market just over a year ago, in January 2020. The brand is known for high-dose gummies at affordable price points. “We noticed there was a hole in the market with gummies,” Hicks says. "We wanted to make sure that we could make something that was tasty, handmade, available in multiple doses, and affordable.”

Location: ANC's dispensary and kitchen are both located in north Phoenix at 1039 E. Carefree Hwy.

Products: Yummy Gummy comes in single or 10-packs, and dosages range from 25 mg to as much as 500 mg per pack. Sativa and indica options are available, and Hicks emphasizes that they're infused precisely. "Each of the gummies has all of the medicine throughout,” Hicks says. “They can all be cut and it all holds up, which is really nice.”

ANC also makes Tipsy Turtle, a line of sweet and savory cannabis snacks (chocolate covered pretzels, glazed pecans) that's been in production since 2018.

A product Hicks says customers often pick up alongside Yummy Gummy and Tipsy Turtle purchases is Undoo, a sort of chillout pill for those who fear getting too high. Although it's not made by ANC, Hicks considers it a worthwhile staple to have on hand when trying heavily dosed edibles.

“When I started the business, I was always so paranoid because people don’t realize the strength of edibles — this isn’t your pot from the 1960s and 1970s,” she says. “[Undoo] is two pills, and if you get too high on edibles you can take that and drink a bunch of water, and in about a half an hour to 45 minutes you’re — not back to complete normal, but at least not freaking out. We recommend Undoo to a lot of people.”

Coming Soon: Hicks is excited about an upcoming CBD-infused Yummy Gummy — the company's first. "We're introducing a THC/CBD 1:1 10 mg [gummy] soon, which will be a nice added feature—a gummy with CBD,” said Hicks. Tipsy Turtle will also be entering the recreational market.

Post-legalization outlook: Although many medical dispensaries recently approved by the state have already gone recreational, Hicks and her team are waiting another month to begin recreational sales.

“We got the approval at ANC, but we’re pushing it off until March 1st," she says. "We’re getting all our systems prepared and listening to what people are saying so we don’t make the same mistakes.”

Find It: Yummy Gummy is available at over 50 dispensaries across the state, including:

Phoenix Relief Center
Herbal Wellness Center
The Good Dispensary
Nova Dispensary
JARS Cannabis

Learn more at

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February 09, 2021 at 09:00PM

Pot Spotlight: ANC, the Home of Yummy Gummy - Phoenix New Times
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